5 Ways to Thrive in the “New Normal”

Coping w/ the COVID Environment

Adapting to the “new normal” can seem downright impossible. This environment has thrown all of us for a loop. First of all, this article isn’t intended to tell you how to live your life. I want to try to provide some tips for coping with this new sense of normal or not normal or whatever you want to call it.

1. Control What’s Controllable

Right now, there is so much that is completely out of our control. This “new normal” doesn’t seem normal at all. We have no influence on when our kids will go back to school, the economic situation, and many other things. It is so easy to get lost in the unknowns.

Just try not to get caught up in the negativity of things that are completely outside of your influence. Do what you can to make your environment as stable as possible and forget the rest!!! There are things happening in the world right now that wear on us all, but you can’t pour from an empty cup. You have to take care of yourself first. Don’t wear the weight of the world on your shoulders!!

Focus on the things that impact your family directly. Work to make those better. Make time with your family count. It really does wonders for the soul. Feed your body and your mind during this time. Basically, don’t go down all the rabbit holes.

2. Find a Community

Now is a great time to find a new community or even connect with old friends. With social media, we literally have the world at our fingertips. There are tons of online groups for every niche. If there’s something your passionate about, you can find other people to connect with. It can be a great sense of community.

Social media is also a great tool for reconnecting. Look up friends you haven’t seen in years! Grab a virtual cup of coffee through zoom or facetime! There are so many ways to connect now without physically being in the same space!

3. Develop a Hobby or Side Hustle

This is a great time to find a new passion. Whether it’s something you’ve done forever that you’d like to pick back up or maybe something you’ve always wanted to do, now is the time! Take the new normal and turn it into your time to become the best version of yourself!

This can be something that you do for fun, and it could also potentially be something that you can use to bring in extra income. There are so many unique opportunities to make extra money right now. Start an Etsy store, sell on eBay, create your own website, or join a network marketing company! The opportunities are endless, and with your own side hustle, you can work as much or as little as you want!

4. Unplug Often!

I’m a big fan of social media. It’s a great way to meet and connect with all kinds of people from all walks of life. But, sometimes it can be a little too much. It’s important to be aware of the way it makes you feel. If it’s putting you in a funk, unplug for a while.

Spend time with your family or just go for a walk. Put in some quality time with Netflix. Whatever makes you happy. It’s totally ok to break up with social media for a few hours, days, or even weeks if it’s what’s best for your mental health!

5. Work on Your Health

If you’re stuck at home in front of a computer all day, it can be easy to fall into some unhealthy habits. Make time to get up and move. Go for a walk outside or do something to get some fresh air. Do activities that get you moving but are also fun!!

Now is the perfect time to clean up your diet. You’re probably not eating out as much as you’d like, so start purchasing some healthier snacks to keep in the cupboard. You don’t have to make extreme changes to your diet, but small tweaks here and there can make a HUGE difference. Make yourself a healthier and happier new normal.

Hang in there!

Whatever you decide to do during this time, just hang in there. Give yourself some grace. This is a hard time to be a parent, especially if that role has expanded to the teacher as well. This new normal hasn’t been easy on anyone, and we’re all just trying to get by. Be kind to one another. Support your friends and neighbors. Help where you can, but first and foremost, take care of yourself!! Somehow, we’ll get through this new normal together, and hopefully come out stronger than ever!