7 Ways to Detox Your Home

Detox Your Home for your Kiddos

Germs are literally everywhere, and they can’t be avoided. I know most parents worry about their kid’s exposure to germs quite regularly, but what about the toxins they are exposed to? This is something I have recently been diving into for my own daughter. I decided it was time for a detox, so I wanted to provide a few tips for you to detox your home if that’s something you’re into!

1. Ditch The Fragrance

We all want our homes to smell good, but there can be a lot of toxins hiding in the everyday air fresheners we use. Try diffusing essential oils or use an all-natural room spray for a less toxic way to make your home smell nice! Fragrances can play a huge role in the effort to detox your home.

2. Filter Your Air w/ Nature

That’s right…you don’t need a fancy HEPA air filtration system to filter your air, although those are super nice. Some house plants can do the job. Plus, they can add some green to your space! Pair with a cute pot to get a cool look to go along with your clean air!

3. Natural Cleaning Products

I’ve been doing a lot of research lately on what kind of chemicals are in our everyday cleaning products. Some of my favorite disinfecting products come with the label “May cause harm to humans and domestic animals.” Yikes! I recently converted my whole home to all-natural cleaning products, and I was surprised to find they actually work better than the traditional products I had been using. I found an all-natural disinfectant that kills all the same germs (influenza, staph, strep, MRCA, etc), without all the harsh chemicals. Learn more about a shopping club with the mission to help you detox your home.

4. Filter It: Air & Water

I already touched on air filtration by using plants, but if you can afford it, an air filtration system can do worlds of good for purifying your home. It’s said that the air in our homes is actually up to 7 times more polluted than outside air. I think anything we can do to help that is a step in the right direction.

Depending on your water source, there can be a lot of contaminants lurking in your water. Most newer refrigerators have water filtration in them, but if you don’t have that luxury, invest in a water filter pitcher. Here’s my all-time fav!

5. Leave Your Shoes @ the Door

My husband and I can never seem to get on the same page with this one, but we drag in a lot of yuck on our shoes when we enter the house. By leaving our shoes at the door, we can easily cut down on the amount of germs crawly around on our floors!

6. Check Out Your Hygiene Products

I’m guilty of going for the personal hygiene products that are 1. the cheapest and 2. smell the best. This isn’t always the best way to go when it comes to things like shampoo, body wash, deodorant, etc. Take a look at your labels…you might be surprised at what you find. Here is a site that has a lot of great replacements!

Natural Skin Care

7. Get Rid of Plastics (where you can)

As busy moms, it’s nearly impossible to eliminate every single ounce of plastic in our homes. Almost all the packaging and products we buy for our kiddos have plastic. Look for BPA free. Also, I was surprised to learn that vinyl shower curtains can release a lot of yuck into our home’s ecosystem. Ditch the vinyl and go for cotton instead. Try to use glass containers in the kitchen where you can. Baby steps really can go a long way!

Completely detoxing your home isn’t easy, and it doesn’t happen overnight. Hopefully, we can tall take some small steps to improve the quality of our homes, and I hope that our babies will feel better as a result of their fresher environments.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to learn more about how to detox your home!

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