I Neglect Myself Daily

This photo sums up my life these days…

Becoming a mom and self-neglect are kind of synonymous. When we enter motherhood, we have another human life that is dependent on us for survival. The fact that self-care is irrelevant to us moms comes with the territory.

It’s no surprise that moms are stressed out and overworked. We are struggling between society’s idea of a “good mom” and our own needs as human beings.

Sociologist Caitlyn Collins spent five years studying parenthood in four wealthy western countries for Making Motherhood Work: How Women Manage Careers and Caregiving, and she’s found that U.S. moms have it the worst.

As mamas, we need to be more mindful of the burdens we carry. In fact, we should shed a few of them. Listen, I know that sounds impossible, but we need to realize that the guilt is NOT our fault. Our mommy guilt perpetuates from a social media furious society that thrives in comparison.

You don’t need to be doing what other moms are doing. You need to do what is best for you and your family. This idea of keeping up with the neighbors is making us crazy.

This morning, I failed.

Today, my alarm did not go off. Panic ensued immediately when I realized I woke up late. I immediately took my daughter to daycare, and then ran back home to get ready. I started my workday barely showered and on edge. Thank everything holy for dry shampoo and Colgate Wisps. Yes, I forgot to brush my teeth.

When I realized my late awakening, I should have taken a step back. Instead of panicking, I could have left the house with my sanity intact. But I did not do that. I ran around like a crazy person, and I didn’t acknowledge my sweet little girl. It was rush rush rush. Now, I feel guilty about that.

We need to take care of ourselves.

The idea of self-care is a hard concept for me to grasp. Relaxing stresses me the F out. Well-meaning friends always tell me to get a pedicure or go watch a movie. The very idea of that makes me need a Xanax.

We have to put in some effort for ourselves. Do whatever sets your heart on fire. For me, my book and this blog have been positive channels to help me cope with all the stress mommyhood hurls down on me.

I don’t have any pearls of wisdom to help us stop neglecting ourselves. I know we’re all guilty of it. It’s what we do as moms.

I’m right here with you, girlfriend. Cheers!