Mama, fill your plate!

I love Thanksgiving. It’s my favorite holiday. It’s the time to be thankful. This day is full of food, cheesecake, and grace. All the best things.

As mamas, it is in our job description to be thankful for our kiddos. It’s in our DNA. During this time of year, we are 1000% focused on our kids, much like every other day. Most of the time, we are the last to eat and get the scraps instead of the juicy breast meat we wanted. We get the burnt edges of the casserole. Heaven forbid, we might even miss out on the pie!

We give and give until there is nothing left. We’re moms. It’s what we do.

When my daughter was born, bystanders would tell me to “soak up every moment,” or “enjoy this time.” I know they all meant well, but I don’t always want to soak up or enjoy these times. Sometimes, I just want to survive the day. Sometimes, I just want to eat a freaking meal in peace!

I’m thinking about this a lot as the holidays are approaching. Am I a terrible mother because I don’t enjoy every second of motherhood? Am I a bad mom because I would rather watch last week’s Grey’s Anatomy instead of Bubble Guppies for the hundrenth time??

 Hell to the NO! I’m screaming this like Michael Scott in the office. NOOOOOOOO! We’ve all used that GIF.

 We have enough to stress about during the holidays, don’t add useless mommy guilt to this list!

I have a challenge for every mama this Thanksgiving. Breathe deep. Pour yourself a cocktail (if that’s your thing). Grab yourself a plate of food (let someone else get your kids a plate). And sit back and enjoy a meal! You deserve it!

Cheers, mama! Gobble Gobble!